About Me

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Cardiff, United Kingdom
I'm A Fashion Design Student. Loves The XX And Bloc Party. Images included in this blog consists of mine and inspirational images by others, link to take you to where I originally found them is placed beneath image.


Nikki Farquharson is an Illustrator who creates brightly coloured mixed media pieces using mainly pens and paper.
I like how she makes 2D images appear 3D. I believe she does this due to her use of several mass patterns in one image.
I particularly like how in some of her project she has missed facial features out, this gives the image a stronger impact.
Left image from : http://www.flickr.com/photos/nikkifarquharson/sets/72157622028276798/
Right Image From : http://www.nikkifarquharson.com/personal/mixedmediagirls.php

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