About Me

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Cardiff, United Kingdom
I'm A Fashion Design Student. Loves The XX And Bloc Party. Images included in this blog consists of mine and inspirational images by others, link to take you to where I originally found them is placed beneath image.


Asger Juel Larsen graduated in 2009 from London College Of Fashion,
The Images included are from Larsen’s spring / summer collection which reflects high masculinity, with a medieval warfare theme.
With this creating a futuristic adaption of armour and chain mail.
Whilst experimenting with the silhouette, morphing conflicting ideas of voluminous and slim.
The collection features Leather, PVC, Rubber Cords and Knitwear.
I particularly like his style due to it seeming dark and mysterious. 
Both images : http://showtime.arts.ac.uk/9222

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