About Me

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Cardiff, United Kingdom
I'm A Fashion Design Student. Loves The XX And Bloc Party. Images included in this blog consists of mine and inspirational images by others, link to take you to where I originally found them is placed beneath image.


Minjae Lee is an Korean Illustrator.
His images consist of abstract movements and vibrant colours.
Some of his images appear to be very sinister, with a select few appearing to be made with mixed media.
The image on the left; seems to feature demons escaping from someone’s mind.
I like how the artist has used unusual colours for skin instead of the usual tones.

Left image from  : http://www.creepmachine.com/minjae-lee
Right image from : http://www.creepmachine.com/art_of_the_day/panda-series-1-by-minjae-lee.html
Accessed July 2010

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